Investing in Share CFDs

Discover how easy it is to buy share CFDs on your smartphone

  • No minimum commission
  • 0,08% for contracts on shares from Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Portugal
  • 0,06% for contracts on shares from Germany, Spain, UK, USA, France
  • 0,25% on contracts on shares from Poland
  • 1600+ shares
  • Apply the benefits of financial leverage to buy CFDs
  • Use stock CFDs during bear markets - go short

Investing in Share CFDs

Discover how easy it is to buy share CFDs on your smartphone

  • No minimum commission
  • 0,08% for contracts on shares from Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Portugal
  • 0,06% for contracts on shares from Germany, Spain, UK, USA, France
  • 0,25% on contracts on shares from Poland
  • 1600+ shares
  • Apply the benefits of financial leverage to buy CFDs
  • Use stock CFDs during bear markets - go short

Build a share CFDs portfolio with wealth potential

Unilever Plc




Microsoft Corp




Volkswagen AG Pref. Share




Pfizer Inc




Differences between Stocks and Stock CFDs

Shares CFDs
Access to foreign exchanges
Leveraged investing
Short-sell - earn on dips
Access stocks CFDs through the OANDA mobile app
T+2 trade settlement
T+0 trade settlement - immediate
Owner privileges
Defensive stop-loss and take-profit orders
Limit orders
Live prices

OANDA mobile application - a modern trading tool

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* Live quotes are provided for: currencies, gold, silver and cryptocurrencies (except for BITCOIN contracts). Other instrument quotes are delayed by 15 minutes.

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