From the 18th of December, 2024 to the 2nd of January, 2025, financing rates will remain the same. By freezing the financing rates we are aiming to protect our clients from potentially aggressive market movements over the holiday period.

If you have any questions please contact our customer services team.

What is Trader Sentiment and Which Indicators You Should Know About

Posted in Trading Knowledge
3 minute read
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Market sentiment, otherwise referred to as trader sentiment, is a means of measuring the current level of trading bias that exists for a specific instrument or asset class. Understanding how other traders are positioned within a specific market allows for more informed trading decisions and can play an important role in any trading strategy.

What is Sentiment in Forex Trading

What sentiment indicators and tools you could use when trading?

Sentiment indicators in the stock market

Sentiment Indicators for forex trading

Commitment of Trader’s report (COT)

OANDA, TradingView, July 23, 2023, body image 1.
Source: OANDA,, July 23, 2023.

Open Interest, July 23, 2023. Body image article 2
Source:, July 21, 2023.
Source:, July 21, 2023.

CME FEDWatch tool

Sentiment-fx-trading-article-Body Image 4
Source: FED meeting.

OANDA’s Order Book and position ratio indicator

Source: OANDA, TradingView, July 24, 2023.
