The Correlation Coefficient Helps Traders Assess the Impact of Commodity Prices

Posted in Forex
4 minute read
How Currencies are Affected by Commodities: A Guide for Forex Traders

This comprehensive guide explores the relationship between commodity prices and currency values, focusing on commodity currencies. Delve into the factors influencing these currencies, from economic growth to geopolitical tensions. Measuring correlations between commodity prices and exchange rates and discovering practical trading strategies using tools like TradingView. Navigate the complexities of the forex market with a deeper understanding of commodity currencies and their unique dynamics.

Commodity currencies and strategic commodities

The impact of economic growth and commodity prices on commodity currencies

Commodity currencies examples:

Measuring correlation between commodity prices and currency exchange rates

Correlation coefficient:

Interpreting the correlation coefficient

Additional considerations when analyzing commodities correlation:

Using correlation on TradingView

Example 1

Source: USD/CAD Weekly Chart, correlation to WTI Crude Oil. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Example 2

Source: CAD/JPY Weekly Chart, correlation to WTI Crude Oil. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Important considerations for using correlation tools on TradingView

Trading commodities through forex takeaways