What is GBP/JPY

GBPJPY is a currency pair that represents the value of the British pound against the Japanese yen.

The pound, the currency issued in the United Kingdom, is one of the four major currencies. According to the 2022 BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey, the pound ranks fourth in trading volume, following the Japanese yen. Additionally, the GBPUSD pair has the third-highest trading volume among all currency pairs, while EURGBP ranks tenth. Although the pound ceded its status as the world's primary reserve currency to the US dollar after World War II, it remains actively traded worldwide.

The yen is Japan's currency. According to the 2022 BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey, transactions involving the yen account for 8.3% of the total, ranking third after the euro. The yen also has the characteristics of a safe-haven asset. Investors may choose to buy the yen to avoid risk when the international situation becomes unstable. This is due to factors such as Japan's current account surplus, its large net external asset position, and its political and economic stability.