3 simple steps to open an account
Get approved
Login, fund and trade

Apply via Singpass
If you have a registered Singpass account (Singaporean citizens, permanent residents and long-term pass holders) you will be prompted to use this service during the application process. It is the most convenient method of application, with the majority of applicants processed without the need to send in any documentation. Using Singpass will enable you to open an account more quickly - simply follow the prompts during the application process.
Apply manually
If you don’t have a Singpass account, you will need to complete our application form manually and provide documentation to verify your identity and residency status. You can scan the below documents or use your smartphone to take a picture of them and submit the images through our secured portal.
Proof of identity
To verify your identity, we will need one of the following documents that bears a photograph of you:
The document must meet the following criteria:
Proof of address
Please provide one of the following as proof of residence.
The document must meet the following criteria:
Non face-to-face verification
Due to anti-money laundering policy, we are required to verify your identity for non face-to-face account application by one (1) of these methods.
Note: Uploaded proof(s) must not be edited. Please do not cover up any of the document content:
If you are unable to provide either of the above documents, please contact us at sales-oap@oanda.com for alternative options.
Please note that on occasion, additional documentation may be required.

Customer knowledge assessment (CKA)
As a MAS regulated broker we have a responsibility to assess the investment knowledge and experience of our customers. As part of your application to trade with us, we will ask you experience questions, known as the Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA).
It is important that you answer these questions accurately so that we may gauge your level of trading experience.
If your answers show that you do not meet the necessary level of experience, you will be referred to a regulator endorsed third-party website to complete a free e-learning module on CFDs to improve your knowledge. You will need to send your completion certificate to frontdesk@oanda.com to progress your application.