
You can fund your account using a number of different methods:


We accept PayNow (UEN: 200704926K) and QR Pay deposits from the following banks in Singapore: DBS/POSB, Bank of China, Citi, HSBC, Maybank, OCBC, Standard Chartered and UOB. Deposits made using this method are typically the quickest for Singapore residents and will be credited to your account within one to two business days. Please quote your full OANDA v20 account number in the reference field for speedier crediting of funds. Please note that transfers by PayLah and Google Pay are not accepted. Any deposits made by this method will be returned.

DBS Logo
DBS Bill Pay

Deposits made via DBS Bill Pay are processed between one to two business days. Please indicate your full OANDA v20 account number as the bill reference for speedier crediting of funds.


It takes one to two business days to process SGD deposits made via FAST to OANDA Asia Pacific DBS accounts. Please indicate your OANDA v20 account number in the reference field for speedier crediting of funds. To obtain the OANDA bank account details, log in to your account here.

Wiretransfer icon
Bank/Wire transfers

It takes one to two business days to process SGD deposits made via FAST to OANDA Asia Pacific DBS accounts. Please indicate your OANDA v20 account number in the reference field for speedier crediting of funds. To obtain the OANDA bank account details, log in to your account here.


You can fund your account using a number of different methods:

Wiretransfer icon
Bank/Wire transfers

You can withdraw funds straight to your bank account via bank transfer.

For more information about withdrawing funds from your trading account, visit our Withdraw funds FAQ page.

Please note:-

We return all funds to any bank within the same country. If for instance, you deposited by bank X wire transfer, you may opt to withdraw funds to bank Y account so long as bank Y is within the same country jurisdiction as bank X, the account is registered to your name, and upon evidence with a bank statement.
Subject to our withdrawal hierarchy, we return all funds to any bank within the same country where you are resident in. If for instance, you deposited funds by wire transfer from bank X, you may opt to withdraw funds to an account in bank Y so long as:
  1. Bank Y is within the same jurisdiction as bank X.
  2. You are currently residing in that jurisdiction.
  3. The account in bank Y is registered to your name
  4. You have provided a bank statement from bank Y which contains a residential address that matches OANDA's records.