From the 18th of December, 2024 to the 2nd of January, 2025, financing rates will remain the same. By freezing the financing rates we are aiming to protect our clients from potentially aggressive market movements over the holiday period.

If you have any questions please contact our customer services team.

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Trading through MT4 and the hot keys to use

Posted in MetaTrader
5 minute read
Hot Keys on MT4 (1)

Guide to MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and the hot keys on the platform

The Hotkeys of MT4 (MetaTrader 4)

Hotkeys Function
Zoom in on the chart.
Zoom in on the chart.
Scroll the chart to the right.
Scroll the chart to the left.
Scroll the chart quickly to the left.
Scroll the chart quickly to the right.
Home Move the chart to the oldest position.
End Move the chart to the newest position.
Page Up Fast scroll the chart to the left.
Page Down Scroll the chart to the right quickly.
F1 Open MetaTrader4 Help.
F2 Open the History Centre.
F3 Show Global Variables.
F4 Show Meta Editor.
F6 Show back testing
F7 Show Properties when using EA.
F8 Show the properties of the chart.
F9 Show Order Window.
F10 Pop-up prices window.
F11 Display the chart in full screen.
F12 Move the chart to the left one by one.
Shift + F12 The chart moves right one by one.
Shift + F1 Display the "?" symbol at the cursor. symbol is displayed at the cursor, and clicking it displays the help screen.
Alt + 1 Switching to a bar chart.
Alt + 2 Switching to a candlestick chart.
Alt + 3 Switching to a line chart.
Ctrl + D Open the data window.
Ctrl + E Enables/disables automatic trading.
Ctrl + F Change the cursor to a cross cursor.
Ctrl + G Show/hide grid.
Ctrl + H Hide the open, close, high, and low prices of the currency pairs at the top left of the chart.
Ctrl + I Show indicator list window when using indicators.
Ctrl + L Show/hide trading volume.
Ctrl + M Open/close the Market Quotes window.
Ctrl + N Open/close the Navigation window.
Ctrl + O Open the Settings window.
Ctrl + P Open the Print window.
Ctrl + R Open/close the Tester window.
Ctrl + S Saves the chart in data format.
Ctrl + T Open/close the terminal window.
Ctrl + W Close the chart window.
Ctrl + F4 Close the chart window.
Ctrl + F6 Select the chart already displayed.