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European shares now available at OANDA!

20.02.2024 11:30 AM

We are expanding the range of instruments available in our offer. You can now invest in German, Spanish, French and UK listed equities. In total, a range of more than 2,200 shares from global stock exchanges are available to traders using OANDA.

Our goal is to enable our clients to trade on as many assets as possible at the lowest possible fees, which is why we are introducing shares from European markets to our offering.

  • commission-free trading on US shares on EUR, PLN and CZK accounts
  • 0.19% or min. 1 EUR commission on Polish shares
  • 0.15% or min. 5 EUR commission on the newly introduced European shares 

You can now invest in and trade shares of the largest and most popular companies from the world's major stock exchanges, such as Apple, Meta, Tesla, BMW, Hugo Boss, Allianz, Adidas, Bayer or Christian Dior.

Check out the share offering at OANDA: 

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Oltre 20 anni di attività sui mercati, le migliori analisi, strumenti moderni e migliaia di clienti soddisfatti. Fai trading con un broker pluripremiato
Accedi ai mercati globali - migliaia di strumenti a portata di mano Prendi decisioni basate sui dati attuali - opportunità e raccomandazioni giornaliere
Prendi il controllo - strumenti mobili per la gestione degli investimenti Fai trading senza costi inutili - nessuna commissione sui principali strumenti. Prezzi trasparenti e spread storici
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