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Which documents do I need to supply?

Which documents do I need to supply?

All regulators require us to verify the identity of all applicants, so we’ll ask you to submit the following:

Onboarding process for Individuals and Corporate

The onboarding process for individuals and corporates does differ, see the breakdown below;

For Individuals



Can provide but is not guaranteed it will be accepted

  • Drivers License
  • National ID Card
  • Must be valid
  • Must show the full name
  • Must show the Date of Birth
  • If the document is two-sided, please upload both sides of the document.
  • The uploaded document format should be of high quality.
  • The document should be issued by the government.

National ID card may be accepted but we cannot guarantee 


OTMS does not accept driver's license as proof of ID

Bank StatementJPG/PDFWe require these documents to understand the structure of the company and the individuals behind the company that would need to be verified. Examples of these documents can be found in the Examples of documents (previous column)

If all of this information can be established in one of the three documents – only that one document is needed.

This is to ensure there are no changes to corporate structure


For Corporates

DocumentsExamples of documentsRequirementsNote
Corporate Composition

Certificate of incumbency
Articles of Association

Company extract

  • From the relevant company registers

We require these documents to understand the structure of the company and the individuals behind the company that would need to be verified. Examples of these documents can be found in the Examples of documents (previous column)

  • The documents provided must be the most recent

If all of this information can be established in one of the three documents – only that one document is needed.

This is to ensure there are no changes to corporate structure

Corporate Financial InformationCorporate Bank Account Statement
  • The document should have been issued within the past 6 months.
  • Must show name, address and bank details
  • Must match the account you wish to be paid into.
  • The uploaded document should be of high quality.
Document must be on headed paper or we need to be able to identify the document is genuine

Beneficial Owners

  • ID and Proof of Address of directors or shareholders who hold 25% or more


Drivers License

National ID Card


Bank Statement

Utility Bill

  • Must be valid
  • Must show the full name
  • Must show the Date of Birth
  • If the document is two-sided, please upload both sides of the document.
  • The uploaded document format should be of high quality.
  • The document should be issued by the government.
We may be able to accept an ID that also shows the address


Note: We may require additional documentation. Your Partner manager will advise you if needed.

To ensure your documentation is accept, follow these steps below to provide quality images; 
    1. Documentation should be laid on a flat surface (best on a dark surface)
    2. Take a photo directly above the documentation 
    3. Avoid glares, shadows or using flash 

Documents we can and cannot accept 


Sample of passport.


Bank Statement

Sample of bank statement.

Once we have received all the correct documentation, your Partner manager will submit your application to our onboarding team. Below you will see the stages your application will go through before you are ready to start promoting.

  1. Documents Received and reviewed
  2. Terms and Conditions sent for signature
  3. Content approval
    Any content on OANDA will need to be pre-approved before going live. To make sure this is a seamless process ensure your content is in line with our Marketing Guidelines
  4. Start promoting




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