What entities are included in The OANDA Group?
There are several entities that make up The OANDA Group, we’ve listed them below, along with the allowed traffic sources and partner types;
OANDA Global Markets Ltd - OGM - Emerging markets
Partner Types Accepted | Traffic Sources |
IBs - Individuals & Corporates | Trading networks/groups Offline(no online presence) word-of-mouth promotion in a social setting(Partner must agree and adhere to our marketing guidelines) Academies, Educators, Courses and Seminars Social Media - Facebook, Instagram and Telegram Website Reviews/ Comparison sites |
Affiliates - Individuals & Corporates | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites |
OANDA Australia Pty Ltd - OAU - Australia
Partner Types Accepted | Traffic Sources |
Affiliates - Individuals & Corporates Must not have an AFSL or be an authorised representative of an AFSL Licensee. | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites Blog |
OANDA (Canada) Corporation ULC - OCAN - Canada
Partner Types Accepted | Traffic Sources |
IBs - Individuals & Corporates | Trading networks/groups Offline - Academies, Educators, Courses and Seminars Website Reviews/ Comparison sites |
Affiliates - Individuals & Corporates | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites Educators, Academies Signal (Technical analysis) |
OANDA Europe Limited - OEL - UK
Partner Types Accepted | Traffic Sources |
IBs - Individuals & Corporates Must be registered with FCA | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites |
Affiliates - Individuals & Corporates | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites |
OANDA Corporation - OC - US
Partner Types Accepted | Traffic Sources |
IBs - Individuals & Corporates *IBs can be accepted if they are either registered as an Introducing Broker with the NFA OR if they qualify for an exemption from registration. | - Website Reviews/ Comparison sites Academies, Educators, Courses and Seminars Trading networks/groups |
Affiliates - Individuals & Corporates | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites Educators, Academies Youtubers (with website) Signal (Technical analysis) |
OANDA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd - OAP - Singapore
Partner Types Accepted | Traffic Sources |
Affiliates - Corporates | Website Reviews/ Comparison sites |
The above traffic sources, and content within, per entity are subject to initial approval by the relevant compliance team.
If you have any questions about any of the above entities and what is allowed in each, please do not hesitate to contact your partner manager or email us at partners@oanda.com